Tag Archives: fishing

Callander Bay

Late March afternoon on the ice of Callander Bay.

The recent warm weather has chased most of the ice fishing huts off the bay.

A few remain to play roulette with Mother Nature.

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Family Fun

Ice fishing family on Callander Bay.

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Early Winter

Winter is just getting started on Lake Nipissing.

The ice is deemed safe enough for the winter fishing to begin.

Snow machine tracks signal activity as do the footprints.

The fishing hut population will increase.

Another Winter Season begins.

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It’s A Big World…

…when you are a fisherman in a small boat.

Kouchibouguac National Park, New Brunswick, Canada.


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Fishin’ on the Dock of the Bay…

Fishin' on the Dock

Summer on Lake Nosbonsing.

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Fishermen on Inle Lake

Inle Lake in Myanmar is one the world’s unique places. It is a candidate for listing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Lake is the second-largest fresh-water lake in Myanmar, with an estimated surface area of 104 square miles.

At present, the length of the lake from north to south is 24 miles; its original length was 36 miles. The average water depth is 7 feet (2.1 m), with the deepest point being 12 feet (3.7 m) deep. During rainy season, the lake’s depth can increase by up to 5 feet (1.5 m).

The lake is weed-choked and conventional outboard motors are useless.

One practice that distinguishes Inle from other places in the world is a unique paddling style used to propel small boats through the weeds while fishing. Standing on the left leg while using the right hand and the right leg to manipulate the paddle, leaves the left hand free to handle nets and other equipment. Standing also allows sight through high reeds.

How often one falls in the water while learning the technique is a question not answered.

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A Heron Walk

Let’s walk with a Great Blue Heron along the shore of Lake Nosbonsing. He(?) was looking for breakfast.

This guy was very patient with me.

What remarkable birds they are.


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Fishin’ Suit

Relaxed fishing.


The fish are colour blind.

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At King’s Landing in the fog this morning.

King's Landing

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Minnow Bucket

Ordinary things can be very interesting.

Minnow Bucket

Ever been fishing?

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First Hut

The first ice hut of the year on Trout Lake.

Ice Fishing Hut


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End of the Day

A fine evening of good fishing* has ended.

Evening Fishing

Time to ride home.

*Good Fishing – You go fishing.  Great Fishing – You catch something.

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Fishing lately has given the gift of calm warm evenings.

Calm Reflections

Good for the soul.


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Evening Fishing

Sometimes fishing in the evening doesn’t produce any fish but when you see this kind of picture, it doesn’t matter.

Golden Glow


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Back From Fishin’

Back From Fishin'

Catch anything?


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