Tag Archives: hope


Laurentian Ski Hill yesterday afternoon.

Let It Snow

The weather is cooperating with cold temperatures.

Now for a couple of big dumps of snow to get the season started!

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Won’t Be Long…

It’s -20 outside this morning. Summer seems very far away.

Bee in Clover

Have faith. This will come to pass soon!


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Wasi Falls

Winter weather is supposed to begin moderating near the end of February and early March, but there is no sign that this is happening this year. Today’s high was -16C. Tonight’s low is forecast at -30C.

To keep hope alive, I’m publishing a photograph I made last summer just to help me stay warm.

Wasi Falls

I feel better already!

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Morning Hope

It’s warm and the fog is caused by the remnants of the ice in the lake.

Ice Fog

Perhaps the ice will be gone today.

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Divine Intervention?

Leafs and God 1


April 30, 2013 · 7:55 AM

Bob’s Bait

A unique place to buy minnows and worms and leeches and anything else you might need to go fishing.

It occurs to me that stores like this also sell “hope”.

There are no guarantees when you go fishing!

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Silverpixel has posted a pair of photos (one of which has disappeared)  in the past couple of days that were processed using an app on his iPad.  They were really neat.

This got me interested in a filter plug-in from the same company for my computer (I am iPadless).  I have been having a good deal of fun playing with the trial version that I downloaded.

There is of course, little point in using exotic filters on pictures unless they add something – a mood , a feeling, the appropriate punch…- to the photograph.  That’s where the “art” comes in.

I published some photos recently of the aftermath of the disasterous fire on Main Street.

Here is another photograph processed two diferent ways using the software.

Here is the original for comparison:


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Visited Engine 503 today.

It is still bravely awaiting its refurbishing.


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End of the Line?

Rather depressing to see this old caboose sitting in the sand.

There is hope for a new career as a museum piece near our waterfront.

Looking forward to that in the near future.

Silverpixel has recently posted some very neat photographs of this collection of ONR memorabilia.

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Merry Christmas

…to all.

May Santa be good to you!

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Happy New Year!!


May next year be less barren than this photograph.

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Quiet Christmas

Christmas came in the quiet dark.  Hope for us to embrace.


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Merry Christmas

It’s early but better early than late.  May you create lots of good memories of this Christmas 2009.

Hope and Assurance

Merry Christmas to all!

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