Tag Archives: seasons

Hints Of Autumn

Everywhere I look, I can see the signs.

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Fall Field

Near Rutherglen.


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Ice Panes

Looking like panes of broken glass, the thin ice that formed overnight was piled on the shore by this morning’s wind action.

Very delicate.


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Ice Water

The ice is moving away from the shore leaving water in its place.

The black colour shows that it’s getting rotten.

One more week perhaps.

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Saint Joseph’s on the shore of Lake Nipissing.

Warm temperatures and ice combine to make a surreal scene.



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Winter Colour

Sumac leaves turn the most gorgeous red in the fall.  The seed pods are also a deep red.  It seems that red and sumac go together.

Against a white background, they stand out even better!

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Winter Bush

The bush near our place is a very pleasant place to be these days.

Quiet, tranquil and cold enough to make one aware.

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Bus Shelter II

Last March this Bus Shelter attracted my attention.

Yesterday I made another photograph of it covered in snow.  Just for fun I applied some different filters to produce this result.

Northern Ontario art?

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Snowmobile Trail

This trail leaves the Portage Hotel parking lot and heads north.

The season is somewhat late this year as warm temperatures have delayed the freezing of lakes and swamps.  Snow is in the forecast and soon there should be lots of machines moving up the trail.

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Reeds and Cloud

Today is the shortest day of the year, or if you wish, the longest night.

Darkness abounds.

Tomorrow we begin climbing back up the year into light.

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Gray Day

A lot of photographers put their cameras away on a gray day like today.

Colours have a way of standing out when it’s gloomy.

HERE are some more photos made this morning.

The leaves have nearly all fallen and the colour is leaving the bush.

Now we wait for snow.


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Winter’s coming.

People are ready to help.

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Colour Colour

Everywhere you look.

Last blaze of summer.

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Morning onTrout Lake

Flat calm, warm, unusual Thanksgiving Weekend weather.  Fall is here in spades!

Most cottage owners have gone back to the city.  They will feel badly that they are missing this.

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More Sunshine

It’s not as big as a sunflower but it is a relative and a bunch of them are just as sunny.

Getting ready for the long dark days of November.

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