Tag Archives: puddle

Autumn Leaves

Dried autumn leaves in a rock puddle.

Autumn Leaves and Rock 2

This photo, processed differently, appeared last week.

I decided to process it differently to produce a different feel to the scene.



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Autumn Colour

Dried leaves collected in a rock puddle.

Autumn Leaves and Rock


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Autumn Debris

Just lying around in a puddle.

Autumn Collection

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Another Take…

…on yesterday’s puddle:

Ice Puddle Reflections

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Spring Puddle

In spring, water forms puddles.  We’ve not seen this very often in the past four months and so it is new and different to those like me with very short memories.

Spring Puddle Reflection

This one was in my driveway.  The bush across the road is reflected in it.


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Spring Reflection II

Last week was warm enough to cause some melting.

Spring Reflections

Cold and snowing today.

Just a Spring Temptation, I guess.


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