Tag Archives: ocean

Rough Ground

Right next to the ocean at Peggy’s Cove there is little hospitable surface for growing much of anything.

The ocean provides what the land can’t.

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It’s A Big World…

…when you are a fisherman in a small boat.

Kouchibouguac National Park, New Brunswick, Canada.


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Ocean Life

Life in the ocean takes marvellous forms and colours.

Ocean Abstract

This in shallow water near the edge of Canada. On Whiffen Spit in Sooke BC.

Tide is out.

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Whiffen Spit

Sooke, British Columbia is a gorgeous town on the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The harbour is protected by Whiffen Spit, which has been made a municipal park.

A really neat place to walk.

Wasn’t there a song about this place?

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On The Salish Sea

The Strait of Georgia. Part of the Salish Sea.

Salish Sea II

Travelling back to the mainland from Vancouver Island.

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On the ferry to Victoria.



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Caribean Sunset

Same sunset, three photographs.

Sky Fire:

Sky Fire

Soft Sunset:


Promise of Tomorrow:

Tomorrow Promise

Returning from Cozumel Island.

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