Tag Archives: North

Essence Of North

The idea of North is represented by shapes, moods and feelings.

Simple and complex at the same time.

“Cold” is also a dominant thought.

“Pure” and “Unspoiled” also.

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Birches In Winter

This little collection of birch trees stands beside West Peninsula Road.

When the snow falls and stays on the trees, they don’t stand out as much as they do normally and become a bit harder to find.

Not spectacular but the essence of “North”.

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Essence Of North

North is about water, granite, pines, needles and Summer.


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Tag Alders

Snow in the tag alders near Lee’s Road.

In the Tag Alders

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Mink Lake

Mink Lake is a little lake just south of Lake Nosbonsing on South Shore Road.

Cloud Over Mink Lake

Quiet morning on the lake.

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We visited Cranberry Trail in Callander for the first time in a year or so.  It is as wonderful now as it was the last time we were there.

Cranberry Trail

What a unique place!

We are lucky to have people who thought ahead and worked to provide the opportunity to experience close-up the wonderful North that we live in.

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