Tag Archives: recycling

Just In Case

This is my friend Larry’s garage wall. The “too good to throw in the garbage” items hang on the wall just in case they will be needed some day in the future. Larry runs a farm and “you never know” when something hanging in the garage will be exactly what you need to repair a broken piece of equipment.

Garage Wall

Of course, the day you need that item that you’ve saved for years is exactly one day after you give up on it and throw it out.

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Characters of the Mill

The Powassan Treasure Mill is inhabited by some intriguing people.


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This building near the Erie Canal in Pittsford, NY awaits its future.

The puzzle is ready.  What does the future hold?

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Back from the dead!

Last spring, things were looking bleak.

See HERE and HERE.

New life from old.  Gives one hope!


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There is a large collection of items stored on this property.  I suspect the homeowner would entertain an offer for any of them.  (Except the fire hydrant which is owned by the city.)

This may be active recycling at its best?

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