Tag Archives: nipissing

Lake Nipissing November Sky

Lately the weather has been warm and the air calm.

Afternoons have been long and languid.

Sometimes the skies over Lake Nipissing have been dramatic.


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Nipissing Sky

The skies over Lake Nipissing are subtly spectacular in the middle of the day.

Nipissing Morning Sky

This view from the North Bay Waterfront a couple of days ago.

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Low Water

All summer, Lake Nipissing has been about 2 feet lower than it normally is.  In past years, wet feet would have been necessary to produce this photograph.

The spring melt happened so early this year that water that would have been trapped in the ground ran off to the Great Lakes because the ground was still frozen.  Nipissing was not able to catch up over the summer and despite recent, rains is still behind.

Climate Change?

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