Morning, Portage Park

Cloud, Lake, Tree, Fog.

Rhythm Portage Park


Filed under Photographs

5 responses to “Morning, Portage Park

  1. John Minkowskyj

    It seems to have texture which appeals to me. Very ‘painterly’. If there is such a word.

  2. Dan B

    Wonderful subtle sky with an overall lightness that I find very appealing. Did you use Orton Lights technique on this image?

    • quibbleon

      This is a 5-shot HDR (-2 to +2 stops) handheld and processed in Photomatix pro 5.0. Orton Lights weren’t used here, although (and my memory is hazy) I used a bit of TK’s luminosity masking (curves) and some luminosity painting to balance out the light. I was pleasantly surprised at the way the sky came out. (Luck? Skill? Who knows?)

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